Eventos Agr

Cambios en los drones de protección vegetal "; En ": Hacer que la protección de las plantas sea más simple, eficiente y segura

2020-04-03 10:40:45

China is currently in the trend of aging population and the transfer of rural labor force to cities. Compared with developed countries, domestic agricultural production efficiency is much lower. The application of drones in agriculture will be the largest, so Feizhi decided to apply drone technology to agricultural plant protection, making plant protection more simple, efficient and safe. Qifei was established in 2015. After several years of development, there have been models from 6L to 16L in the product, which can basically cover most application scenarios at home and abroad. The core modules include: flight control system, high Precision navigation system, intelligent spraying system, background management system, etc., are a set of core systems in the field of drones that are independently developed and focused on plant protection technology companies.

The area of arable land in China is 2.025 billion mu, the agricultural population is nearly 300 million, and the per capita arable land area is less than 7 acres. Because of the advancement of urbanization in recent years, the rural labor force has accelerated to move to cities, so the actual per capita arable land area will be larger, about Between 7-15 acres, we expect that in the next 10 years, the per capita arable land area in China will exceed 30 acres in Japan. China has a vast territory, with both large farms like the United States and small farms like Japan. Therefore, it has the advantages of low cost, easy operation, convenient transportation, and convenient maintenance. These complex and diverse application scenarios.

After several years of development, electric multi-rotor has been recognized by the majority of users. At the same time, it has also received corresponding support at the national policy level. Currently, in more than 70% of provinces, plant protection drone buyers can enjoy a certain percentage of government subsidies. The domestic aviation application area in 2019 is about 3%. We believe that this proportion will be at least 50% in the future, and the rice area will be at least 70%.

Based on such a market, who are our end users? We divided it into the following groups: farmers, regional professional flight defense organizations, and agricultural machinery integrated service organizations.

Farmers: Because plant protection is very time-efficient, for most farmers, when the plant protection operation period is reached, they need to finish the medicine within three or four days, rather than waiting for other service organizations or other farmers to complete it. It ’s better to buy the equipment on your own land, and the farmer has a variety of agricultural machines such as tractors, harvesters, rice transplanters, and dryers. Adding a planting guarantee machine does not require additional operator costs At the same time, with the popularity of drones, the cost of the machine will further decline. This can be seen from the situation this year, so we believe that this part of the user group has the largest proportion.

Regional professional flight defense organizations: Here we should emphasize the terms regional and professional. Regional refers to the local and professional representatives understand the use of pharmaceuticals, because we believe that these users are transformed by local pesticide dealers. Their business model with medicine, services, and accounts receivable in the future will leave other flight defense teams with no single business model. So they will occupy a certain proportion.

Agricultural machinery comprehensive service organization: Because this group has its own various agricultural machinery service capabilities and customer resources, adding an additional drone plant protection service to them will not add additional management costs and market expansion costs. So they also occupy a certain proportion.

We have divided the largest proportion of farmer groups into three small groups, which are about 300 acres, between 500 and 1500 acres, and more than 2,000 acres. The state hopes to increase agricultural production efficiency through the concentration of land transfers, so small farmers will gradually be eliminated. In addition, the speed of land transfer and the speed of rural labor transfer are both a gradual process, so a large farm pattern similar to the United States will not be formed in the short term. We think that most of the future farmer groups will be concentrated between 500 and 1500 acres.

Based on these types of user groups, we believe that plant protection drones should have the following three attributes: agricultural machinery attributes, technological attributes, Internet and big data attributes.

Attributes of agricultural machinery: In essence, it is an agricultural machinery. As a working tool, stability and efficiency come first. The medication period is about three or four days. Once the user's equipment has a problem in the field, the local channel must respond quickly to solve the problem. At the same time, because of subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery, the advantages of agricultural machinery channels over other channels are greater.

Technology attributes: The plant protection drone can be regarded as a relatively complicated operation tool. The whole machine includes a control system, a high-precision navigation system, an intelligent spraying system, and a background management system. In order to make better products and meet the new needs of customers faster, we believe that independent research and development of core systems is necessary. The self-developed core system can make the equipment have good technical extensibility, such as duster, fogger, and fertilizer spreader can be better installed on the original plant protection machine. For another example, we can better apply RTK modules on the aircraft side to RTK mobile base stations or fixed base stations. For another example, the plant protection management background can be connected to the field pest and disease monitoring system, meteorological monitoring system, and soil monitoring system. These technical extensions can reduce the cost of plant protection from another angle and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of plant protection.

Internet and big data attributes: This is a gradually prominent attribute in the middle and later stages of the market. With the diversification of plant protection drone application scenarios and the professionalization of aviation pharmacy, end users will be more inclined to obtain aircraft and the supporting pharmacy in the future. Program. We believe that the plant protection drone management platform can solve the problem of aviation medicine matching, trading and distribution, and can manage the pest data, weather data, and medicine use data of farmland, as well as the flight speed, height, distance, Spray flow and more. With these data, we have accurate statistics and predictions on the health of the farmland and future yields. Through the entire plant protection system, users can enjoy faster and lower cost insurance and financial services.

Qifei Intelligent always takes the first goal of making more stable and durable products.

This year we launched a new generation of Q10 2020, which increased the details while adding the folding function. The q10 2020 has the characteristics of stability, durability, and portability, and is the most cost-effective brand product on the market. Based on large plots, we launched the more stable and efficient A16 2020, and based on complex small plots, we introduced the more portable A6.

These three models can basically cover most application scenarios at home and abroad.

Qifei's control system has undergone three generations of development.

The first-generation flight control has undergone at least 50,000 flight tests and can achieve stable manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic flight.

After that, we launched the second-generation control, which increased the industrialization level based on the previous generation, the protection level reached ip67, and can be installed with rtk module and obstacle avoidance module. This generation of flight control is installed in A16 2019 and has been introduced to domestic and foreign markets. After more than a year, at least 15 million acres of field operations have been accumulated at home and abroad.

The new generation of AG3 we launched this year has improved the module integration based on the previous generation. It adopts a design concept similar to that of a computer motherboard, eliminating many wiring harnesses between modules and greatly speeding up the installation and maintenance. In terms of software: support online upgrade and online fault diagnosis, support access to field meteorological monitoring data, pest monitoring data, soil monitoring data, third-party prescription map import and calculation, etc.

In order to better solve the problem of plant protection, Qifei Intelligent also launched a field pest detection system connected to the drone management background this year. This system can reduce the number of times the user goes to the ground to check the insect status, and can also help the user after the application Confirm the plant protection effect.

After reading the above content, I believe that everyone has a better understanding of drone plant protection.

We think that in the future, if you want to do a good job of plant protection, it is not enough to just make a drone. We also need to tell users when to take the medicine, what to use, and how well.

Based on these requirements, we made a scenario scenario: In the operation period, we saw the types of pests and the rising trend in the background through the pest and disease monitoring system. At the same time, the corresponding pharmaceutical manufacturers will provide a pharmaceutical solution for plant protection operations through our plant protection management background. After getting the medicament, we took the drone and medicament for aerial plant protection operations. After that, we can see the daily decline of pest data from the background until it stabilizes and confirm the control effect.

With this set of data on the use of pesticides and plant protection operations, we have a good statistics and forecast of the health status of the farmland and future yields. Through this plant protection system, users can enjoy faster and more cost-effective Low insurance and financial services. This makes the matter of plant protection easier, more efficient and safer.